Very often there is more than one way to approach a control system problem. Tritec can help clients investigate the feasibility and concept of different approaches, finding the best and most cost effective solution by conducting studies or researching and presenting the alternatives.
Our involvement can be at any level from simply advising a client during the early feasibility and concept stages of a design, to a detailed analysis of alternative design approaches with cost evaluation using projected volume and break even point comparisons of the solutions. The output from this stage of the project is typically a report or a presentation to the client indicating the options available and indicating the benefits and disadvantages of each option.
By being involved early on in the project Tritec can potentially save its clients a great deal of time and money by selecting optimum design solutions or proving a concept before committing to the full design.
See how Tritec provided this service in case studies from Airbus UK, Dewlay Cheesemakers and BAe Systems.